The mission of this book is to inspire every man who desires a committed relationship to decide it can be his, to choose it sensibly and to love and be loved on intimacy's highest plane.

You see, the rules of intimacy don't seem to come naturally to most men. I don't know why. I had to learn them the hard way, too.

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Isn't it time that the topic of intimacy for gay men had its day in the sun? Well here it is… sheer wisdom for men who are serious about relationship and not just sex.

What's your 'wisdom score' when it comes to boyfriends? So many gay men have blind spots when it comes to dating. Successful in everything they touch, but men. We've made so many mistakes when it comes to men. We've had more drama, disease and disgrace than we care to think about. We've worshipped at the altars of looks and sex but where has it gotten us? We've had our hearts broken over and over. Humbled, we're ready to learn the rules of intimacy. There is a better way.

The inspiring principles in this book are practical, powerful nuggets for every gay man who truly wants a relationship marked by purpose and intimacy. And even though we hate to read them, there are instructions…even for men. But read them we must, not just to understand the rules, but to avoid the countless men who'll distract us from the real thing.

If you're committed to the outcome, you need to do the work. There are no shortcuts to intimacy.